Students in Studio III created non-linear visual stories about what has most shaped their identities. Students learned about visual hierarchy and balance and successfully used text and image to add depth to their work. This project is inspired by the Contemporary American artist, Aidan Koch. Koch creates non-linear “comic books” which contain simple emotive drawings that are loosely connected to each other, allowing space for the viewer to interpret their meaning.

Student's consistent music practice has been a safety blanket they can come back to again and again for a sense of security.

Student is heavily involved in dance, there are many ups and downs in this sport that include physical and mental limitations.

Playing sports is meaningful to this student because they feel like their team is their extended family. 
In Progress work, student focused on painting natural objects.
Views out of different windows inspired by windows at their house.
Photography is this student's greatest artistic strength so she decided to use this medium. Photos are from the horse barn they ride at every day.
This student is going to college for Video Game design next year. They created this concept art for a character they had in their mind for a while but never put down on paper.
This student loves the beach and Summer.
Student is working on a graphic novel using digital drawing in Procreate. He created two new pieces for this project and we printed out a handful of existing ones to build his visual collection.

Students hanging their work for critique. Students interviewed each other about their work and presented their partner's answers to the class.

Visuals of Aidan Koch's work hung up in the art room for the duration of the project. These examples show pages from Koch's non-linear graphic novels.
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