Students in the Creative Studio class created schematic designs for improvements to our school or other original inventions/designs based on their interests and printed them using the cyanotype process. The cyanotype process (early photographic process created in the mid 1800s) was adopted as a way to print many accurate copies of engineering drawings, hence the term “Blueprints”.
Students were introduced to the cyanotype process by creating photograms with natural materials found on the grounds of our school. They were introduced to the story of Anna Atkins who used the cyanotype photogram process in the 1840s to record thousands of plant specimen and compiled these images into the world's first photography book.

Coating watercolor paper with light sensitive chemistry.

Watercolor paper is coated with light sensitive chemistry, objects are placed on the paper, paper is exposed to UV light and turns Prussian blue.
Student who runs the sound booth at Bishop Kearney created a design for the auditorium as it's undergoing renovations.
Senior Hockey player created a design for a Bishop Kearney Selects life size statue for the School with an inscribed message on a plaque.
Student using the Promethean Board to give a project proposal presentation.
Student created a design for headphones to represent his love of music and included the pattern of a soccer ball used in a significant World Cup soccer game.

Final products hanging in a very visible part of the school building with a project description.

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